On Personal Prisons

Posted by in Health

personal prison

“Of all our infirmities, the most savage is to despise our being.”

We all have personal prisons they are a part of the human condition we are our own prosecutor against ourselves, judge who hands down the sentence, and warden to keep ourselves in check. Now don’t get scared there’s levels to this shit these prisons we build are not always bad. Routine is a personal prison imagine waking up and doing the same exact thing for the next 15 years sounds like hell doesn’t it, but many of us fall into that very thing. Life is a journey filled with many pitfalls that can be considered personal prisons things we fall into and do our time until we serve our time. Whether it be dealing with a vice or bad eating habits these prisons all satiate us enough to keep us entertaining them.

Stay frosty friends there is no need to worry unless your personal prison is in fact killing you and if it is break the mold or if you’ve found joy in that allow the journey to run it’s course “So enjoy present pleasures as to not mar those to come.” We are all here having a human experience, when we are born and raised we aren’t told what it means to be human we are just guided in what humans do (learn, educate, procreate, build, etc) those are attributes of our humanity although important are greatest gift to ourselves is to find our individual path and follow it to it’s completion before we die including all of it’s bumps and pitfalls.

SweatPant out…