
On Personal Prisons

Posted by in Health

personal prison

“Of all our infirmities, the most savage is to despise our being.”

We all have personal prisons they are a part of the human condition we are our own prosecutor against ourselves, judge who hands down the sentence, and warden to keep ourselves in check. Now don’t get scared there’s levels to this shit these prisons we build are not always bad. Routine is a personal prison imagine waking up and doing the same exact thing for the next 15 years sounds like hell doesn’t it, but many of us fall into that very thing. Life is a journey filled with many pitfalls that can be considered personal prisons things we fall into and do our time until we serve our time. Whether it be dealing with a vice or bad eating habits these prisons all satiate us enough to keep us entertaining them.

Stay frosty friends there is no need to worry unless your personal prison is in fact killing you and if it is break the mold or if you’ve found joy in that allow the journey to run it’s course “So enjoy present pleasures as to not mar those to come.” We are all here having a human experience, when we are born and raised we aren’t told what it means to be human we are just guided in what humans do (learn, educate, procreate, build, etc) those are attributes of our humanity although important are greatest gift to ourselves is to find our individual path and follow it to it’s completion before we die including all of it’s bumps and pitfalls.

SweatPant out…


On Internet Affliction

Posted by in Health


Photo curtesy of Michael Nagle for The New York Times

“Google me bitch!!!”

If you haven’t heard Snapchat is that shit from girls crashing their dads car to booty pics for the cost of entry if you’re not in it your missing out. Our new internet driven world poses a litany of questions with too few answers. There have been various studies either substantiating or denying mental health based issues formulating due to social media use but let’s be frank if social media is the real world based in the internet we can all agree to the fact that on some level people can and will be affected by it including the normal hate for hates sake, keeping up with the jones’s, and holier than though views many of us hold.

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Photo by Paul hardy

We all have had friend requests in our various social media accounts asking for “friendship” from total strangers and faced the question of accepting it. Many people see this as doing something right and growing their social media following I ask for what? is social media a 24hr floor model showcase of our lives for others to buy into us in the form of following our feed. We have seen many people rise to prominence solely based on their savvy social media skills those people for the most part had a vision and enacted their plan to get themselves to the end result. The average layperson who posts their struggle meals and horrible fashion sense are they actively trying to position themselves in the realm of say a Chrissy Teigen or Ian Connor two well known people in the aforementioned realms Tiegen with her recently published cookbook and Connor taking tumblr fame to the runway with Kanye West.

Some people may say SweatPant what are you talking about social media is putting people onto how dope you are and garnering fans i.e (friends/followers) I would agree I ask what is the end game if one exists. Philip Zimbardo speaks of the “future focus” in life and the different way we look at life and how that outlook plays into our choices. Radiohead recently took time out to erase themselves from the internet before announcing their new album but that’s Radiohead not you or me years ago people spoke of bad choices with tattoos or picking bad partners will the next phase be bad choices on social media maybe that off the cuff tweet may cost you your job.

SweatPant out…

Philip Zimbardo – The Psychology of time