On Optimism

Posted by in Life Lessons


“Existence is an imperfection.”

Our lives hang on a tight rope balancing between optimism and pragmatism too much or too little of either leads to ruin. This is not to say give up on your dreams but consideration and responsibility is necessary in our daily lives. A simple search online will spit out to you optimism to your eye balls. In the past we called these things “home remedies” or “self-help” today we have “life-hacks”, youtube and what ever ted-talks can be classified as, but has the introduction of these ideas changed anything for the modern generation.


The rise of the “yolo” and “fomo” lifestyles can be seen as a result of ever-growing optimism a need to stay at the bar until closing because you never know your future whom-ever may just walk through the door. Many people look at the millennial’s as the harbingers of this total optimism between the social media mavens waiting to get their break from instagram or twitter to the college educated business types living with mom and dad to subsidize a lavish lifestyle many would view this as an over optimistic outlook. We are in a time of great innovation and change this of course comes with a price.


In boxing a good corner man has to know when to throw in the towel to protect their fighter for us laymen we need that same expertise from our support group to do the same. This is not to say we cannot have dreams, goals, aspirations but as time goes by our scope must change with it. The thirty year old ball player should not be lying about his age to enroll in high-school to live out his bygone dream of winning a championship or securing a college scholarship that time has passed. An over optimistic spirit can be like beer goggles for some clouding our visions to the true realities we face. No amount of hope, wantonness or dreaming will pay a bill, reward you with a degree, drop the love of your life onto the same 6′ o clock train with you they all require effort and execution.


SweatPant out…