On Fathers

Posted by in Life Lessons


Young SweatPant & my dad circa 1989

“What a wonderful thing it is that drop of seed, from which we are produced, bears in itself the impressions, not only of the bodily shape, but of the thoughts and inclinations of our fathers”

I would like to take the time out today to show my respect to all the fathers of the world including my own. A father plays an important role in the life of his child helping to rear, educate, and influence their off-spring. I once read that mothers provide their child with self-confidence through their nurturing while fathers help in shaping and giving direction to this newly formed self-confidence I can agree with that. We live in a society today were less than 50% of children live in a traditional household now I’m not going to get into alternative styles of living based on religion, sexual orientation, or personal ideology that’s a deeper conversation. The position of influence a father has on his child cannot be understated and that is a default position given to the father at birth, the mother’s baby father’s maybe is a detrimental state for society there is a difference between siring a child and being a father.

On this father’s day I hope the father’s that find joy, love, adventure in raising their children continue to reap the rewards for their hard work and dedication and those men that have not put in the time, effort, and understanding to know why they even put themselves in the position to become a father take a step closer to learning that for their children and society at large.

SweatPant out…