On Sport & Play

Posted by in Life Lessons


“The game of history is usually played by the best and the worst over the heads of the majority in the middle.”

For those who do not follow professional basketball the NBA finals are currently underway. The Cleveland Cavaliers are facing off against the Golden State Warriors in a rematch of last years finals in which the Warriors took the championship that’s not what I’m here to talk about.


Ayesha Curry is currently in hot water for serious of tweets espousing the fact that the games are rigged. Some of you may not be as deep of a conspiracy nut as uncle SweatPant and names such as Tim Donaghy may not ring a bell but please humor yourselves. This is not the first time a claim such as this has been made but it is for a person in the position Ayesha is in as the wife of the current NBA mvp and overall media darling she has been up until this point. The NBA and it’s collaborators such as ESPN and other sports outlets took no time in dragging Ayesha for filth due to her now rescinded claims (she deleted the tweets) and championing the transparency of the game and it’s officiating.


Now let’s keep it real, the average NBA team is worth 1.25 Billion dollars now that doesn’t automatically allude to foul play but the propensity for foul play is amplified the more you have to lose. Cheating in all levels of sports is as American as Pete Rose and the higher you go the more likely you are to find it. I’m not going full Alex Jones here but sport and play hold a high status in all modern societies for good reason it allows people to escape from the mundanities of their lives and gives them the rush and exhilaration of watching well oiled machines perform at the top level in their respective sports. It also acts as a sedative in that manner as well being used as a tool to occupy peoples time, aspirations, and emotions isn’t it interesting that when we were kids and the “adults” had to have a serious conversation they would send us out to play as to not disturb them. The lengths these players and their respective teams go to is par for the course ask Nesta Carter.

Now to take off the tin-foil hat and level with you. If you think there is no foul-play at the elite level of sports then the bad guy losses at life, sociopaths are not in the upper echelons of our society, and Donald Trump will not be the Republican nominee for President as he has no I repeat no political experience. Hmmmmmm

SweatPant out…